First Coast Focus with Dr. Tracye Polson of City Of Jacksonville

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Each week on First Coast Focus , our host Adrienne Houghton sits down with some of the brightest and most entertaining guests you can find on the First Coast to discuss what’s buzzing in the Bold City. Today, Adrienne talks with Dr. Tracye A. Polson.

I work for the City of Jacksonville as Mayor Deegan’s Director of Strategic Partnerships. I also have a small private psychotherapy practice where I work with adults dealing with all forms of relational trauma.

How do you set yourself apart from other firms in the area?

My Ph.D., is from Smith College and it’s primary theoretical orientation is psychodynamic. I practice with a contemporary relational and intersubjective lens.

What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment?

Being a mom to two amazing young people who are both social workers, too.

How do you define success?

Not giving up and sometimes recognizing that even very small victories are important and can plant the seed for future, bigger gains.

What is the most important lesson you’ve learned over your career?

Lead with your values and get comfortable with not being liked.

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